Inspiration and Self Improvement – Why Not?

cropped-repbyrep.jpgThis was taken from the August Edition of my Rep By Rep Fitness newsletter i send out to my clients each month. I thought it could be helpful so i am blogging the coles notes version here. You can also find me on Facebook.

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” Herman Cain


I wanted to write this so each and every person that received it, could get some benefit.


So i will keep it short and sweet.

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I saw a video the other day and it made me think of what we could accomplish if we took the same approach to life. This can apply to all facets. Be it fitness, or work, or anything really. So without further ado, here it is. Dare to dream and dare to try and it is amazing what can happen.
It is 49 Seconds. 49 seconds can change your life.


Want to fix your shoulders/improve posture ?

Check This Out.
Kelly Starrett, also from Mobility WOD(check out on Youtube)

Want to Improve Your Sleep ?

Another one from this man, he is awesome.


If you got to the end of this thank you! I hope you got something out of this. Have a great September!

Yours in Health,

Sebastian Ankiel
Health and Fitness Coach
Rep By Rep Fitness – Facebook Page
Instagram – ItsAnchorTime, RepByRepFitness
Cell Phone – 604.345.9911. Prefer texts in daytime

To subscribe to the monthly newsletter, shoot me a personal message with your email and i will send it right to your inbox.

The Rep By Rep 21 Day Challenge

cropped-repbyrep.jpgDid you know that your external world is only predictive of 10% of your long term happiness? What if in 21 days you could make yourself not only more productive but, HAPPIER? Intrigued?

If you are, then maybe you should check out Shawn Achor’s book “The Happiness Advantage”, but for some of you that perhaps are less ‘reading inclined’, I have provided you something simple and easy that can change your life for the better. And no, this is not some hocus pocus positivity thing, this is something on the cutting edge in the field of positive psychology and is actually backed by science.

Rep By Rep Presents To You The 21 Day Challenge  (because i am not just about fitness, i am about wellness and happiness too!)

If you do these things you will “Re-wire” your brain and live a more productive, successful and happier life. Ready?

3 Gratitudes. Listing three new things you are grateful for everyday.

Journaling. Writing about one positive event that happened in the past 24hrs each day.

Exercise. 45 mins of exercise a day allowing you to see you have control over your life.

Meditation. Every day by clearing your mind and allowing you to focus on the task at hand. If you google 10 min Grounding Meditation on Youtube that is great place to start.

Random Act Of Kindness – One a Day. It could even be a positive email or message praising or thanking someone.

If you are skeptical, i would highly recommend checking out Shawn Achor’s TedTalks video on youtube. Remember everyone, at the end of the day, what do you have to lose? Life is short!



Sebastian Ankiel, Vancouver-based CanFitPro Certified personal trainer, ex UBC football player and life enthusiast. Founder of Rep By Rep Fitness. Click on the pic for link to my facebook page.


Eliminating The Negative Noise: Doubts and Distractions

index  I was training with a partner the other day and the most annoying thing happened. We are on a good groove and in a state of flow and this other person walks in. No warm up, headphones screaming, a giant look of angst on his face: He proceeds to engage what could only be described as an anger workout. His grunts and groans invade the space and he slams the weight down after every rep.

Our jaws dropped. It was shocking and appalling to see someone literally putting themselves through a ‘torture rack’ of a routine. This was a frustrated and pent up man and it was interesting to watch him vent using movements that often were not even close to being done properly. I won’t lie that first day it threw us off our game. We were working with a multi station unit and he even interrupted the start of one of our sets with one of his own super sets. It was toxic and when we were done it left us in a state of disarray. It felt like today he had won a minor victory. He got what he wanted: our attention. It only fueled his chaos even more…

17288716At this point, i had recently picked up Shawn Achor’s book “Before Happiness” and had just been going through the chapter on “Noise Cancelling”. It talked about how it is impossible for our brains to possibly take in the thousands of cues and signals and bits of information and process them. In essence, we are able to pick and choose which stimuli we can respond or even, pay attention to. Example. it is cold and you sit there and focus on the cold. What happens? Well for one, it doesn’t help, and for two, you feel colder! Isn’t that wonderful? One of the simple things the book went on to explain is that if you can’t control or engage in dealing with a negative stimulus to not pay attention to it at all. Interesting.

So here is the thing. There are many things at the gym i would argue that are negative stimuli. From the angry guy at the gym to the girl/guy with the body you would kill to have. There are lots and it is all based on perspective. We all have things that potentially can bring us down or make us a little angry. Just remember, it is your own thing, your health, that is. The only thing you can control is yourself. If you throw 100% of your focus on where you will reap the most dividends, don’t you think you will have the best results? Something to think about. Paying attention to “the noise” never does you any good.Paying attention to your habits, your diet, your routine, your motivation, your sleep …. that is where the gravy train is. The amount of attention we pay to a positive or negative thing is proportional to how big or small it will be in our minds.

So here we are: we are undergoing our next training day. Everything going great. Guess who shows up? Our favorite person, again. We look at each other. We smile. We know it will be ok. After all, we won’t get caught off guard this time. We barely pay any mind to the “noise” and we have one of our best workouts yet. Sometimes it really is as simple as ignoring the negativity and ‘canceling the noise’ to get you where you want to go. Faster.


Sebastian Ankiel, Vancouver-based CanFitPro Certified personal trainer, ex UBC football player and life enthusiast. Founder of Rep By Rep Fitness. Click on the pic for more info.

“If you don’t love something, you’re not going to go the extra mile, work the extra weekend, challenge the status quo as much.” Steve Jobs

Working Out – You’re Doing It Wrong

repbyrepOr are you? I mean I suppose it is debatable or is it?

  1. “No matter if you are working out for weight loss, or strength, or size, or cardio, or flexibility,

  2. there is no excuse not to have an integrated fitness plan. “

Take a look around and not just the gym. We love to do things we are good at and dread doing things we struggle at. So some of us, including me end up procrastinating on working on some of the things we need most. Eventually, we end up having to learn the skill regardless, it is the same way with your fitness. I would challenge you to take that one ‘weak’ spot and bring it up to par. Here they are. Simplified. Examine and each and think about where you are at and if you don’t know then maybe it is time to make an adjustment.

1337180566_Unknown1.) Body Composition – Yes, the elephant in the room. This manifests a variety of ways. Check out the previous blog to see some of the culprits and effectors of body composition. Stress, nutrition, sleep….If your body is not responding it isn’t for no reason.

2.) Cardiovascular Endurance – Length of life. Your heart is your ‘ticker’. Just like a car we only get so many beats. Bring your resting heart rate down and you are essentially extending your lifespan. Even just 15 mins of cardio can make a huge difference and set you on the track to better health.

flexibility_lg3.) Muscular Flexibility and Balance – Prevention of injury. This is increasingly important as you get up in age as well. Keeping moving can be the difference when you get older.

4.) Muscular Strength – Quality of Life. Makes things easier to do especially as you get up in age. If you can do the everyday things effortlessly now you Brand-Strengthwill be able to do them well into old age, and that applies for everything.

So which are you weak in? What do you feel you need to work on? It may be something to consider when you make your next routine or find that you are hitting a plateau. Sometimes, just like the song, a change, CAN do you good. 🙂

Sebastian Ankiel, Vancouver-based CanFitPro Certified personal trainer, ex UBC football player and life enthusiast. Founder of Rep By Rep Fitness. Click on the logo above for our facebook page.

“If you don’t love something, you’re not going to go the extra mile, work the extra weekend, challenge the status quo as much.” Steve Jobs

“Rep”olutionizing Personal Training With a Little TLC


“A Little Tender Loving Care Can Go a Long Way.”

I acknowledge that fitness is only one part of life, albeit an important one. We have only one body and only one body to live in. Unfortunately, we don’t get a second one. I learned really early the importance of being in a healthy body for all the wrong reasons: i got picked on a lot, i was the fat kid. I used to loath going to the gym with all the ‘healthy’ people. It is interesting that in my almost 15 years being connected in some way shape or form with the fitness industry i have learned one thing that is fairly consistent: You either are proactive with your health or reactive. So regardless,

“It is just a question of when you want to deal with it.”

That trip to the gym, that run, that yoga class, that extra glass of water can save you a lot of heartache down the line.

health-promotion-industryI am not like a lot of personal trainers. This is how i got here.

           It didn’t happen overnight. In fact, if you had asked me five years ago, my views on life would have been echoed about my thoughts of training people. I would tell you that inevitably i am a result oriented guy. I would tell you that i would have no mercy for my clients. I had very little mercy for myself when i was younger. Years have passed and with that has come a bit of wisdom and some softness. I am a lot happier now then i have been in awhile. Not everyone is like me. There is one thing i find constant:

“If you give people your best in whatever shape or form and just try to support them in the best way you know how positive things happen!”

Fitness is not just fitness; it is just the culmination of a lot of factors at play. The best thing you can do for someone is just genuinely love and care for them.

That is my commitment to you. I am actually going to care. I am not going to lie or blow smoke. I am not going to tell you i am perfect nor do i have the answers to everything. If something is hard, i will tell you it will be hard. I will be there for you. I will be someone you can talk to. I will support you. As mentioned earlier, fitness is just a manifestation of so many different factors in life. The way i see it if i support you in any way shape or form, i am helping your health. This is my refined version of what i feel a personal trainer is. At the end of the day, i am just like you. We are all in this together.

That being said. I can still kick your ass if you want me to 🙂


Sebastian Ankiel, Vancouver-based CanFitPro Certified personal trainer, ex UBC football player and life enthusiast. Founder of Rep By Rep Fitness. Click on the pic for more info.

“If you don’t love something, you’re not going to go the extra mile, work the extra weekend, challenge the status quo as much.” Steve Jobs

7 Ways I Failed to Make The Climb to My Fitness Goals


Making The Climb to Fitness

Well, I have an admission to make, I used to be a fat kid. I got bullied and made fun of a lot. It was not an easy process growing up. Goodness, I could remember those trials and errors at the gym back when i started. It was a painful agonizing process. The worst part about the whole thing is that when i was young I did it pretty much blind. I find a lot of people do that. I am just going to spend X amount of time in the gym and get results. You hope right? Well, if this is your plan, here is a little guideline of things i learned not to do, pitfalls if you will. So after you read this you will know what to expect when you make that big choice to make the climb again.

1.) Expecting Too Much Too Fast. We live in a world where we can click a button and get instant results everywhere. I mean it is sold to us each day. Eat this, take that, drive this, smell like this and you will be the hottest most popular guy or girl and look super cool and everyone will love you. It is unfortunate. Bear one thing in mind, it takes around 9 weeks to develop a habit, sometimes more, sometimes less. Make sure you plan to at least commit for this length before you start and know that you won’t just wake up the next day and magically be fitter right away.

2.) Working Out is Not Easy. Nope it isn’t. I said it. For some people, the concept of learning a new skill or even going to a gym is daunting. Personally, when i struggle, i ask myself why i go workout or go for a walk or run. There can be many reasons why you start. Many. Remember, you are in a relationship with yourself and just like any relationship it isn’t always easy.  So choose to love yourself by doing the harder difficult thing. The results are contagious and by the end of the day you will feel great. I don’t know many people that have regretted a workout.

3.) Not Taking an Integrated Approach. Your fitness is a constant thing you have to work on all the time. If being healthy was just a matter of just making it to the gym everyone would be fit. It is a complicated process. Try to take a serious look at all the factors that are helping or hurting you: diet, sleep, stress, addictions. These all have an influence. Try to face these factors or acknowledge them before you get started so you are more realistic in how you approach your goals. This will save you a lot of heartache down the line.

4.) Convenience and Time Restraints. Life just has a way of happening and evolving all the time. Plan ahead. Maybe now you don’t mind the 30 min trek to the fancy boutique gym you really like but down the line it may not be feasible. Understand that your time is probably one of the most precious things you have. When most people ask me what gym they should work out at i usually will keep it simple: The one where you can go to that is most convenient to you. It makes sense.

5.) Plan to Fail. Now this seems ironic doesn’t it. Well, here is the thing. There is going to come a point where some of you are going to want to quit for a variety of reasons. KNOW this will happen and plan ahead. For me, i had failed so many times, and my mind was my biggest enemy. I would always think it was impossible, the process too slow, and quit. I never believed in myself. I never knew my own potential till i literally chose to be a bit ignorant and just commit and understand that at points it will seem illogical and stupid. The funny thing is when i stopped thinking so much and just acted i got results. That was the first time i lost 40lbs.

6.) Skipping Workouts. Oh this one. This is classic. It kind of feeds into all kinds of habits like eating as well. So you are running late, you aren’t feeling well, you had a bad day. So you miss one workout, then you miss two, then you miss three…….And soon you are back on the couch thinking “what the hell happened?” Remember, sometimes simply showing up is a win. Don’t be hard on yourself. Be realistic. Having an off day? Go the gym and go light. Your body will thank you later.

7.) Not Knowing Your Own Potential. I had to put this one down. This is last but definitely not least. After learning all of the different things above, i had no idea what i was capable of,  none. We all sit here and we are victims and beneficiaries of our reality and feedback. Logically, we are programmed to think things will always be the same. Try and fail over and over. Remember, your big breakthrough can literally be just around the corner. Realize that beyond that point, there is a life to be lived that previously you only imagined. Imagine yourself in your new body.  Act as if it will happen no matter what and guess what? It will happen. Random thought, when i was 14 i envisioned myself at 30 as a lean, strong and athletic 230lb man….and…somehow, magically, it just happened. Mind over matter. If i can do it, so can you. Live dangerously and don’t be afraid of failure.

Carpe Diem! Yours in health,

Sebastian Ankiel, Vancouver-based CanFitPro Certified personal trainer and life enthusiast. 🙂 Check out my facebook group for more information

9 People We Love to See at The Gym


Well, in the fifteen years or so that i have been “pumping iron” and working out, i have seen quite the plethora of people come and go?(why does this always happen around this time of year) Anyway, i digress. In all of this time i have never taken the time to single out the people at the gym that we just love with all of our hearts. Yeah, you know you do. So without further ado, here we go.

1.) The half rep guy. Half repping on bench, maybe he goes to 90 degrees and you think he may just have some sort of shoulder injury. Then he goes up and loads up the bar for some heavy quarter squats, EZ Bar Curls, and tricep extension “partials”. The same one who will go on message boards and parties telling everyone how much he benches. Hmmmmmmm……

2.) The BiChestuals. Well don’t you know every day is biceps and chest day and you gotta do one thousand useless reps because it is all the PUUUUUMMMMP. Legs, those are for walking. Right?

3.) The “I won’t be distracted” guy/girl. Now i can understand when you are in the zone. Maybe you don’t want to talk to people, fine. But really, you really should practice something called S P A T I A L, notice the spaces, awareness. Maybe not run into that skipping rope or jump on that bench or space that someone else was using and happened to go away from for just a single second. Just saying.

4.) This is one of my all time favorites. Once again, there are times when this is understandable, if you wanna deadlift 400lbs it is gonna make some noise, sure, fine. But when you are sitting there doing some incline dumbbell presses and then you proceed to drop those suckers from 4 feet off the ground, that is one hell of a way to make an impression. I mean now we all know how strong and tough and “alpha” you are….right? No.

5.) Creepy Guy. Ok i am gonna throw this one out there because i know it is controversial. We all know we have done it. We see a girl that is attractive and well we think to ourselves maybe i will do cable flies instead of dumbbell presses since we can check her out. I mean some girls make it hard not to look. But she got the point when you did your cable flies close to her, you freaked her out when you did the next three exercises within a 10 foot radius of her and then showed up at her yoga class….. It is a bit much.

6.) Mr. Tips. So you never asked him for advice or any help but somehow he goes into his routine and telling you what he does to get the results that he has. The funny part is usually he isn’t even usually a vision of health. Weird. Cool Story Bro!

7.) The “I Never Knew Benches were So Comfortable for Smart Phone Convos” girl/guy. Benches are quite sturdy and a lot of the commercial ones actually have an unlimited load limit. It doesn’t mean it has an unlimited bandwidth or a wireless connection or iPod dock. Get the hint.

8.) That little wiry guy who lifts massive amounts of weight and all the big guys, like me, are secretly jealous and in awe of. Like huh? how? what? LOL

9.) The Aerobics Girl. New outfit. New shoes. Full make up. Hair is flawless. Never sweats. Never goes above let’s say….65% of max heart rate….BUT SHE LOOKS GOOD. That is what counts right?

Yours in health,

Sebastian Ankiel, Vancouver-based CanFitPro Certified personal trainer and life enthusiast. 🙂 Check out my facebook group for more information